5 GreekLetter
The GreekLetter class represents a Greek letter and its potentiel diacritics. As mentioned in the introduction, the GreekLetter class is inherited from the GenericCharacter class.
All the attributes in the GreekLetter class are read-only properties to prevent you from combining them wrongly. The GreekLetter class has ten properties:
Public ReadOnly Property Accent() As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.GreekAccentList
Public ReadOnly Property Breathing() As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.GreekBreathingList
Public ReadOnly Property CaseType() As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.LetterCaseList
Public ReadOnly Property HasDiaeresis() As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property HasIotaSubscript() As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property MidEndPositionShape() As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.GreekAlphabetList
Public ReadOnly Property Order() As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property Type() As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.LetterTypeList
Public ReadOnly Property VowelLength() As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.VowelLengthList
Here is a chart to illustrate the GreekLetter's properties:
The GreekLetter class has one method: Pick. You must call it whenever you need to define a letter and its features.
Public Function Pick(ByVal ThisLetter As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.GreekAlphabetList, Optional ByVal MidEndPositionShape As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ThisCase As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.LetterCaseList = Lower, Optional ByVal WithBreathing As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.GreekBreathingList = NoBreathing, Optional ByVal WithAccent As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.GreekAccentList = NoAccent, Optional ByVal AndHasIotaSubscript As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AndHasDiaeresis As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ThisLength As ClassicalGreekLinguisticFramework.VowelLengthList = NoLength) As Boolean
Description | Generates a letter with all the requested features. |
Return value | Returns True on success or False on failure. |
Remarks | If the parameters, when being processed altogether, do not fit into any existing form, the function will send back the last good generated form or, if not practicable, the letter alpha. |